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What is Coding About

Why is Coding important in today’s world

To better understand what coding is all about and its importance in our today’s world, you first need to understand what a computer is and how it works. By understanding the basic functionality of a computer device, you get to appreciate where coding comes in and its results. Computers are very critical in our today’s world. We live in a tech-driven world, where technology has become central to our daily lives. Every day we use technology at work, to make decisions, to communicate and connect with others, for educational purposes, etc.

What is a computer

A computer is an electronic device that accepts data and processes it to give an output. The computer accepts data via input devices and gives an output via output devices. The processing function is done by the software components.

Components of a computer

To accomplish its purpose, a computer is made up of two main components, that is, hardware and software components. The hardware includes all the computer parts that can be touched. Hardware parts are categorised into input devices and output devices. Input devices enabled the computer to take in data to be worked on (to be processed) while output devices enable a computer to give out results after the processing.

The Hardware Component

Input Devices 

They include microphones for accepting audio, a keyboard for typing, a mouse to move the cursor on the screen and click buttons, and scanners for capturing image data.

Output Devices

They include a monitor (computer screen) for display, speakers for sound, a projector, a printer, etc.

The Software Component

Software components enable the computer to work on the input data and give out the desired output based on the specified instructions.

Software is a set of instructions that guides a computer on what needs to be done and how to be done. Computers do not understand direct human languages. Therefore, these instructions are prepared/written using a computer language. However, it is we human beings who write these instructions.

Types of Software in a Computer 

Two main types of software run on a computer, that is, application software and system software. System software is responsible for running the computer’s hardware devices while applications software are designed to perform specific tasks or to satisfy a specific need.

System software provides a platform for applications to run on top of. Operation system is an example of system software. The common operating systems are Android, Windows, iOS, and Linux.

Some examples of application software are web browsers, Microsoft Word, graphics software, computer games etc.

The Computer language

Machine language is the lowest-level language that a computer understands and it is in binary format.

Coding is the process of writing computer instructions for the computer to follow. The instructions are written using computer programming languages. Coding and programming can be used interchangeably. With programming, we get all the computer systems and applications that we use and interact with daily.

This is why it is important to understand what coding is all about and why it matters.

Each programming language has an implementation that allows it to translate the human-readable line of code into machine language so that the computer can understand and process the instructions in its language. In some languages, this implementation is called a compiler and an interpreter in others. Therefore, a human application developer will not have to learn or worry about the binary language.

Some common programming languages are Java, Python, Javascript, C++, C#, VB.Net, etc.

What is coding about

Coding is all about writing computer programs that solve a specific problem or improve efficiency. Every computer program was (is) created to address a real problem or simplify a real-life process or procedure. Therefore, learning coding is learning how to solve real-world problems using technology. When designing applications, a lot of work goes into understanding the problem at hand and visualising how the solution should work. Besides, all the input data and desired output/results are considered before writing the actual lines of code. Therefore, coding is a fun and engaging process of implementing solutions.

Contact us to register for our Technology Essentials Course for beginners to get the basics right.

We also have Python programming under our adult learning programs.

Kindly connect with us on Twitter to stay updated.


code sample

why coding for kids is important

What is Coding?

Coding is a way of talking to a computer. It is a process of writing instructions for the computer to follow in order to accomplish a task. The instructions are written in a language that a computer understands. Computer programs, apps, websites, animations, games, and computer systems are the results of coding. There exist several coding languages (also called programming languages) including Scratch, python, java, Kotlin, JavaScript, Pascal, C++, and C# among others.

All computer devices, including phones, require programs in order to function properly. Operating systems such as Windows, iOS, and Android are also computer programs.

“Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer because it teaches you how to think”- Steve Jobs

 Why Coding for Kids is Important

Coding is not only for those already in the technology field or children who are always on computers. Here are some of the reasons why coding is a must-have skill in the 21st century.  sign up for coding now

Coding helps kids gain confidence to create

Coding helps young children become creators in the digital world. They can create animated stories, animations, websites, apps, programs, and computer games.

“Coding allows kids to explore the power of their own imagination” – Makena, a 11-year old student at Jit Tech

Coding enhances creativity, problem-solving, and logical reasoning skills.

Most children won’t grow to become professional software engineers or programmers, but the skills of creative thinking, problem solving and logical reasoning can be applied across different academic and professional disciplines. Enrol your kids now!

Coding teaches kids about technology 

We live in a technology-driven world and learning coding at an early age allows young children to gain an understanding of how technology works. Besides, having an understanding of how certain apps were developed helps in understanding the greater consequences of using them. For instance, social media and e-commerce apps use algorithms that maximize the number of time users spend on the platforms.

“Technology Will Be Major Driver For Big Four Plan” –  President Uhuru Kenyatta

Coding is very fun and engaging.

Coding is a fun and exciting activity that keeps young children engaged and learning same time. This makes coding suitable as an activity to engage in during free time or even some of the children’s playtime.

Coding teaches patience.

Coding can help young children learn patience. Why? The journey of learning coding has its own setbacks. At any level, irrespective of age, there is some level of failure such as code not working. Children get to learn and appreciate why a piece of code might fail and how to improve it. They can only learn that by being patient while testing and editing that particular piece of code (sometimes multiple times). Besides, coding might not be easy at first but gets easier as you learn and practice more.

Coding is an eye-opener

Another key reason why kids should learn coding is to start and build careers at an early age. Besides, coding opens doors to other learning and growth opportunities. It promotes their interest in continuous learning and exploring their own potential. Imagine if you had been introduced to technology while young. Where would you be if you started coding at the age of 9 years?

Connect with us on LinkedIn. Enrol your kids in our beginner classes.



About Jit Tech Learning

Jit Tech Learning is on a mission of helping children aged 7 to 15 years discover and nurture talents in tech at an early age through progressive online coding classes. We train them how to create animated stories, simple animations, computer programs and games, websites, and apps.

We are promoting Creativity, problem-solving among kids

Our coding classes empower kids with 21st-century skills to become creative, problem-solving, and capacity to innovate. Besides, we are raising a generation of young software engineers by equipping our children with practical and useful skills early enough.

We are promoting confidence to start creating

Once an interest in coding has developed, the progressive nature of our coding programs ensures learners build more confidence in their ability to create software projects. The more confidence in their own skills, the more the growth and ability to code more constructive projects. Trust me, this is a journey, you don’t want your kids to miss. Enroll today.

Are you a parent who loves to invest in the future of your kids?  Who understands the value of investing in your children? support their growth.

When Founded

Jit Tech Learning was founded in April 2020 by Ithalii Jackson to engage kids with creative and fun coding activities while staying safe at home. Since then Jit Tech’s mission has grown beyond engaging kids to helping them discover and explore talents and potential in ICT, software development, and game development at an early age.
Our coding classes (also Creative Coding Activities) help kids excite interest in technology, discover their hidden potential, and build confidence in their own abilities and skills.

Give your kids a chance to explore the unlimited possibilities of coding by enrolling them now.

We look forward to partnering with you in raising a generation of young software engineers. Join our mission by enrolling your kids today or/and referring friends and family members. Contact us to learn more about our classes. Also, Connect with us on Twitter to stay updated

coding for adults

Other Coding Packages

we have different coding packages for learners interested in beginner coding classes to advanced ones. Every coding lesson is a working project in the form of a story, simple animation, program, game or website. In addition, we offer an opportunity to advance coding skills, especially for those who have done coding before. In some cases, we administer an assessment to such learners to better place them into our programs. However, complete beginners start with the introduction to the coding course.

Coding languages and Courses

Among our coding courses, we have

  1. Scratch Programming
  2. Web Design
  3. Python Programming

Other Information

Learners are awarded a certificate of completion after every coding module. Enrol Now!

Adult Learning

Self-teaching is a tough journey, especially with no reliable teacher to consult when stuck. It costs more time without talking about the struggle in understanding some programming concepts.  Don’t stay stuck, get in touch with our python tutor to accelerate your journey in learning python programming.

We help by simplifying the python concepts through the use of relevant and real-world application scenarios and examples. We teach Python from the basics, fundamental concepts, conditionals, loops, functions, classes, OOPs, inheritance, and file handling to becoming a pro. sign up for our monthly classes now.

Lots of benefits for your child

Lots Of Benefits For Your Child

Lots of benefits for your child after completing our coding modules.

Enable your kids to: 

  1. Create computer games.
  2. Create simple stories and animations.
  3. Build functional websites and web apps
  4. Confidence in own skills and abilities 
  5. Become more creative and good at communicating ideas. 
  6. Grow knowledge in ICT skills.
  7. Build and grow their career at an early age.
  8. Earn a Certificate of completion.

Talk to us for further inquiries. Consider Connecting with us on social media to stay updated.

Other Benefits for your child

  • We provide an opportunity for your kids to understand how technology really works.

Having an understanding of how certain apps were developed helps in understanding the greater consequences of using them.

  • Coding Engages Brain

Our Coding Activities are designed to be fun and exciting, therefore keeping young children engaged while learning.

This makes our coding activities suitable to engage in during free time, during playtime, or as an extracurricular.


adult learning python lessons image

Adult learning Python classes

A great opportunity for adult learners (18 years and above) interested in upgrading their skills to remain relevant at the workplace and transitioning into a data science or software development career path. Learning is hands-on from beginner to advanced levels step-by-step. Join evening or daytime lessons 3 days a week.

What do our adult learning python classes entail?

From an absolute beginner, you will be introduced to Python concepts such as variables, data types, conditional statements, loops, functions, classes and OOP. Learning at Jit Tech is hands-on and uses real-world application scenarios allowing learners to easily learn to use Python in solving real business problems.  Learners are given enough tasks for practice after each lesson.

This Python programming course takes 5 weeks to complete. However, due to the dynamics of working with adult learners, some learners complete course content in 6 weeks. Our Python tutors are very flexible. Book now to start your journey. Utapenda!


  1. We have tailor-made our Python classes to guarantee flexibility.
  2. You will understand the thought process involved in translating instructions or processes into actual Python code.
  3. Kickstart your journey into the data science career field.
  4. Apply the programming knowledge gained to understand any other programming languages better.

Book your slot now or contact us at 0719369370 or info@jit-tech.co.ke to inquire more and book. 

1-year progressive coding modules

Progressive Learning

1-year progressive coding classes learning plan is a well-structured learning opportunity for your kids (7 to 15 years of age) to learn and acquire practical coding skills systematically from an absolute beginner level to higher levels when they can start building real and constructive projects. This coding package aims at installing greater confidence in kids’ abilities and talents in technology. Some of the key skills to be acquired include but are not limited to Scratch, HTML, CSS, and Python.

What we are offering

Through progressive learning, we are offering an opportunity for your children to discover and nurture talents in tech at an early age. We are helping them learn and build confidence to start creating useful computer programs, games, websites, and apps through online coding classes. By so doing our children will become innovative and better at problem-solving.

We have designed a series of coding modules that support a progressive journey into software development. From a very basic level, your kid(s) will acquire and build coding skills upward through a series of coding lessons. #RaisingEngineers

Invest in the future of your children today. Guaranteed value for your money. Register your kid(s) now.

Incoming Classes.

Dec – Jan holiday lessons: 1-hour zoom lessons 2 days a week. Time slots: 0900, 1015, 1130, 1430hrs, 1600hrs Start date: 30th Nov 2022

Saturday lessons: 1-hour zoom lesson. Time slots:  9.00 am, 10.15 am, 11.30 am, 2.30 pm. Start date: 8th January 2023

Available Coding Modules

  • Scratch from beginner to advanced level.
  • Python programming
  • HTML and CSS .

Learners earn a certificate of completion after every semester and after completing the entire progression.


semester 1 and semester 2

Saturday only lessons for 12 weeks or 2 days a week for 6 weeks (each semester).

Total Investment: Ksh. 11,500 per each semester.

semester 3

Saturday only lessons for 14 weeks or 2 days a week for 7 weeks

Total Investment: Ksh. 13,300

Payments Plans

  1. Pay per semester/program in one full instalment or 2 split payments.
  2. Pay Ksh 4,000 per month for Saturday only learners.
  3. Book a programs/semester in advance with Ksh 2500(part of the fee).

Pay via our M-Pesa Till number 5001931.

Alternative arrangement

We have an alternative arrangement called The starter package where you can pay for 8 lessons costing a total of KES 6,500 after which you can pay the remaning balance to complete a full semester. This is a great opportunity to assess if our coding classes fits the needs of your kids before committing to the entire progressive journey.

Sign Up Link

You don’t want your kids to miss out on an exposure like what we are offering. Register now!

Requirements To Join The Class

  1. Install the Zoom app.
  2. Laptop/Desktop.
  3. Reliable internet connection.
  4. A working web browser.
  5. No special software is required at the beginner level, but learners will be guided whenever we need to install any other editor.

Class Formation

We run group classes in cohorts with our learners grouped by age 7 to 9 yrs, 10 to 15 yrs. A group lesson has 8 learners per session. Sign up here


Learning at Jit Tech is an exciting journey that aims at growing young talents in tech. From a very basic level with little or no exposure to becoming a confident problem solver on tech matters. It will shape their thinking and how their handle day-to-day task. The journey will expose your kids to greater potential in tech and open their eyes to the future.

You must have seen or heard of those kids (mostly foreign kids) who code real apps and games some of which are played by our own (Kenyan) children including teenagers. So why not give your son/daughter a chance to learn and create his/her own games and apps and share them with friends?

Coding is a way of talking to a computer.

It is a process of writing instructions for the computer to follow in order to accomplish a task. The instructions are written in a language that a computer understands. Get your kids to start talking the language of the computers. Besides, we live in a tech-driven world. Coding is the language of technology.

Why Coding Classes for kids

Coding helps young children become creators in the digital world. They can create animated stories, basic animations, websites, apps, programs, and computer games as they learn different coding languages.
Besides, coding promotes kids’ creativity and problem-solving abilities by helping them to explore their talents or potential, and bring ideas into reality.

Contact us for further inquiries

coding modules

Introduction to Coding

Through our Introduction to Coding for Kids course, we are offering children aged 7 to 15 years an excellent opportunity to explore and discover their potential in tech at an early age. The course entails a series of progressive coding activities that are fun and creative enough to keep our young brains engaged. The objective of this Introduction to Coding course (Entry coding level for beginners) is to excite an interest in tech and coding. Your son/daughter will get exposed to the real power of technology and appreciate its relevance in our today’s world.

How beautiful is it to have your kids nurture their passions at an early age? Does your son/daughter love computers & technology? Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to enrol your son/daughter in our coding academy to discover potential & nurture talent in tech early enough through our progressive coding classes. Click here to sign up now.

Course Duration and Lesson Arrangement

You can choose Saturday-only lessons for 8 weeks or 2 days a week for 4 weeks. The total fee for this entire Introduction to Coding course is Ksh. 6,500 only. Siblings discount available.

Are you a parent to a 7 to 15-year-old who loves to invest in the future of your children? Do you understand the value of technology in today’s world? Register your kid(s) today by submitting our sign-up Google form via this link. OR Contact Tr Jackson via call/sms/Whatsapp at 0719369370 or send an email to info@jit-tech.co.ke for more inquiries.

Today, coding has become a basic literacy every child must have. Kids need to understand and work with the technology around them.


Lessons are conducted virtually via Zoom. The lesson duration is 1 hour. Our group lessons comprise between 3 to 5 kids per session. This guarantees quality interaction and engagement.

Allow your son/daughter join our online Coding Academy to Learn, Discover the potential, Explore and Grow talents in tech at an early age. Why should your kid(s) be left out?

Thank You for choosing to journey with us. We look forward to serving you.

How does the Introduction to Coding course benefit my kid(s)?

  1. Coding improves creativity and problem-solving skills.
  2. It helps kids become creators in the digital world.
  3. Coding for children helps kids develop patience and perseverance.
  4. Coding is fun and engages the brain, therefore, can be a play-time activity.
  5. It is an eye-opener and opportunity for kids to start and grow a career in tech early enough.